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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What exactly do you bring to the table? Do you simply facilitate the project and act as a liaison?
    While facilitating the project and serving as a liaison are part of what I do, there's much more to it. I can also help keep you accountable for your writing, ensuring you stay on track with deadlines. If you'd like, we can incorporate this into your services. I offer to create a dedicated workspace for you on my project management software, where you'll receive notifications about upcoming tasks and deadlines. This way, I can follow up with you to ensure tasks are completed on time.
  • How do I know if your services are right for me?
    During our first call, or interaction if you prefer keeping it to just emails, I will be transparent about my services and who I am. We will get to know each other and I'll ask a few questions to help determine the services you need; therefore that's how you will know if the services are right for you. There is no tricky scheme here. I do not work for a publishing house. I do not obtain any rights or royalties from your published book. Therefore, we can work together for a month, or if you like me a lot we could work together for 6 months, 8 months, or even a year or more.
  • Can I customize the services to fit my specific needs?
    Absolutely! Services are fully customizable to suit your unique needs. As every author is distinct, certain contractors may be necessary for some while not for others. However, there's a starting rate of $350 per month, ensuring compensation for my time, expertise, and unwavering commitment to your project.
  • What is the typical timeline for completing a project with you?
    The timeline for each project I undertake is customized to fit the individual needs and circumstances of the author. No two authors are alike—one may be well into the publishing process while another is just getting started. It's important to recognize that there's no "one-size-fits-all" approach here. Various factors contribute to the timeline, such as the status of the manuscript, the availability of contractors and vendors, personal commitments, and the level of communication from the author's end. While some elements may be beyond my control, I make every effort to stay on track with the project. However, flexibility is key, allowing us to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and ensure the best possible outcome for your book.
  • How involved will I need to be in the process?
    Your level of involvement is entirely up to you! Whether you prefer to actively participate in every meeting with contractors/vendors or simply review meeting notes and provide approvals from afar while focusing on your writing, the choice is yours. However, maintaining at least one line of communication open for any questions, comments, or concerns I may have is essential. Your dedication to the project will play a significant role in our progress pace.
  • Do you represent me legally?
    No, I do not legally represent you. Consider me more as a facilitator, orchestrating the various components of your project to ensure seamless execution. While I can communicate with contractors such as social media experts, web designers, and book merchandise designers on your behalf, I do not negotiate contracts for you. If you wish to negotiate with a vendor, I can provide information and relay your preferences. Additionally, I have no legal authority over your book nor am I legally responsible for it. I also do not offer legal advice. If you are wanting legal advice, I am more than happy to connect you to a few lawyers.
  • What happens if I'm not satisfied with the end result of my book?
    While I'm not legally responsible for your book or other contracted services, I'm here to ensure your satisfaction throughout the process. If you're dissatisfied with any aspect of your book, social media, website, etc., you can communicate directly with the contractors. I'm more than happy to convey your comments and concerns to them. Most contractors offer revisions, so it's essential to voice your preferences during this time. At any point in the creative process, you have the opportunity to provide feedback before the final product is delivered. If you're unhappy with a contractor, we can explore parting ways based on their contracts. Your input is valuable, and I'm prepared to advocate on your behalf if necessary. You should feel comfortable expressing your preferences, and I'm here to support you throughout the process, even if it means playing the role of the intermediary.
  • Can’t I just hire a Virtual Assistant?
    You technically could hire a virtual assistant, but they may not have the specialized expertise needed for managing author projects. Virtual assistants often juggle various clients and tasks, which may not make them fully dedicated to your writing career. While some virtual assistants are highly skilled, you need someone who excels not only in task management but also in delegation, communication, and delivering exceptional service tailored to authors. Consider your writing career/book as a business; just like in a business, you usually have specific managers overseeing operations for optimal efficiency. If you already have a virtual assistant for personal tasks, I'm more than happy to collaborate with them and help delegate tasks effectively. However, a virtual assistant may not offer the same level of expertise and focus as a dedicated author manager. As someone who has been a virtual assistant, I understand the dynamics, but the specialized support I provide as an author manager ensures that your book project receives the attention and expertise it deserves.
  • Do you travel for book signing events?
    Certainly! I'm excited to share that I do travel for book signing events, especially with the last two packages, which are more comprehensive. While there may be travel fees based on location, rest assured, I'm fully committed to supporting you throughout your book signing journey. Whether it's lending a hand or being your guide, you won't have to navigate this adventure alone. If you're interested, we can explore adding the travel bonus to other packages as well.
  • What are your working hours?
    My typical working hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST) from Monday to Thursday, and from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM CST on Fridays. I am based in the United States. While you are welcome to email me outside of these hours, please understand that I may take 24 to 48 hours to respond. I strive to reply as promptly as possible. If you need to reschedule a meeting, kindly provide at least 24 hours' notice. Last-minute cancellations may result in rescheduling your meeting for a few weeks later. I value your time and appreciate your understanding, and I promise to extend the same courtesy to you.
  • Are you currently hiring?
    Currently, I am not actively recruiting additional team members. However, you are welcome to email me your cover letter, resume, and/or portfolio for future reference. I appreciate your interest and will certainly keep your information on file should an opportunity arise in the future. Thank you for reaching out!
  • Do you offer payment plans?
    Yes, payment plans are available for the last two packages. We can discuss the details during our Discovery Call or through email correspondence. It's important to note that to secure your spot in my calendar, a 30% non-refundable deposit is required, which will be deducted from your overall payment. This deposit ensures that I can allocate time and resources to your project. Please be aware that this fee is non-refundable under any circumstances, as it compensates for the time and effort already invested in planning and preparation for your project.
  • Will you be paying for my book to get printed?
    I don't cover the costs of book printing. Any expenses related to hiring contractors are your responsibility. My role is to facilitate the project, acting as a liaison between you and the contractors. It's important to remember that you're self-publishing, so you'll need to budget for these expenses accordingly. I don't operate as a publishing agent or house.
  • Will you be helping me with budgeting?
    We offer assistance with budgets and financial forecasting, but it's important to note that while we strive to provide support, our expertise in financial matters is limited. For more comprehensive assistance with your author career and finances, we can connect you with trusted bookkeepers and accountants who specialize in these areas.

If you have more questions, please feel free to email us at 

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